Monday, June 23, 2008

Everybody’s Bilingual

We all recognize such emotions as fear, sadness, happiness, love, and hatred in other people’s unspoken communication. Words are seldom necessary to express these feelings. People also send subtler messages without using words. Studies show that up to 65 percent of what we communicate is nonverbal.
Honing your ability to use and understand body language is one of the most enjoyable ways to improve negotiating skills. If you’re not already fluent in body language, practice it. The knowledge will allow you to become a smarter negotiator by recognizing such things as resistance, boredom, and nervousness, all of which can hamper a negotiation. Those who have a command of body language use this ability to signal their message: “I’m desirable, attractive, and worth getting to know.”
In addition to the words you speak, you also use another, silent language —body language. Body language refers to all the ways people communicate without speaking or writing. We are born with an ability to communicate nonverbally. In fact, we spend the first few months of our lives communicating without words.
People can send and receive body language from four different parts of the body. In order of expressiveness and reliability, these are:
  • Facial expressions and eyes
  • Arms and hands
  • Legs and feet
  • Torso positions and posture

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